Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Worf's Personal Log Stardate 1230.7

I am just NOT able to write my blog....am I able to keep this up or should I just forget about it? I know I haven't written in a while, and in my free time I've chilled by playing computer games, cruising the Internet...but I haven't been very good about keeping this up.

What's new?

Well, it snowed. I've never seen snow falling before. It surprised me. It's REALLY cold! Brrrrr! But my mom took a picture of me outside in the snow fall in the park in front of our building.

So anyways.....I'm still in ulpan 5 days a week, but I'm now going to yeshiva Mondays and Wednesdays after the ulpan to study Torah, and again on Fridays to listen to the students give dvarei Torah -- it's a lot of fun, actually. When I get out of ulpan on Mondays and Wednesdays, I walk over to my high school for the afternoon class of Torah study. The high school isn't that far from the ulpan--maybe about a half a mile. My legs are definitely getting stronger with all this walking. I walk from the apartment to the ulpan (about three blocks) and then to high school. From high school home, though, always seems to be a really long trek. Maybe the 30-lb backpack at the end of a long day and having to walk uphill for the last couple of blocks makes it seem longer. I really need to unload that backpack!

The yeshiva class is from 2:00 to 4:30. It's getting harder....as a new immigrant, I get extra help at the high school with Hebrew. The teacher who helps with the Hebrew has really cut back on her translations to make me use my Hebrew more. She's really nice and it helps to have someone who can translate when I get stuck. But sometimes I'm on my own. I guess this is good--it makes me use my Hebrew but, well, it's getting harder.

We had Chanukah. The yeshiva gave me a new Chanukiah as a present -- I really like it. It's fired pottery, with a blue glaze. It's nice to have my very own....my parents have one they got for the family but I got to light my own every night.

That's all for now. I'll try to write more often--but remember, school here is SIX days a week, Sunday through Friday....so be patient. Have savlanoot, which is Hebrew for patience.


Hey Mr.! I keep checking your Blog, so don't give it up, I figure most folks understand that you have a lot going on with school and all. Loved seeing your pictures, and getting caught up on what is new with you!!! I will be better in writing myself, sometimes the day to day stuff just doesn't seem that interesting, but I will definitely make an effort to keep in contact more frequently, I just don't want you to feel obligated to write back if you are busy with school. I think of you all the time and we are sending our love & hugs to you and the family!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
well thats why i asked myself- am I able to keep this up or should I just forget about it? you know maybe it a good thing that i have a blog and don't worry i won't give it up
Lieutenant Worf:
fine business on the blog. We are all reading your updates and enjoying your pics at the base. Not much else to do here except count asteroids bouncing off the hull.
But school comes first! Keep up the good work and stay warm. We'll try to have the snow melted down by the time you reach the starbase in July.
Your Intergalactic Cousins
Greetings from Jerusalem Quadrant, Intergalactic Cousins. I'll try to keep up to date with the blog, but right now I have to attend my afternoon pre-Shabbat shift duties. Looking forward to seeing you this summer!
I think the new template you have chosen for you Blog looks great!!! Wonderful choice in colors!!! Much love...Jilly
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