Thursday, June 29, 2006


Worf's Personal birthday Log Stardate 629.06

Today is my 16th birthday. We're not really going to do much today--instead we're going to go out on my Hebrew birthday, Tammuz 6 which falls on July 2nd---this way, Yona and I can celebrate together because her birthday is on July 5th.

I'm glad we're in Israel and we got the computer set up, and that I have email again. I'm glad I'm in Jerusalem. I'm glad that before I left, my friends gave me a gameboy to use on the plane. Thank you, Schreibers. Also, thank you Scops for the Othello game--we played it on the plane, in the waiting room in Toronto, and here in our flat. It's fun and I'm getting pretty good at beating my mom.

When we were in LA, I told my mom I was serious about being a Black Hat--and our friend, Mr. Bruemmer, told us about Hollywood Hats which carries black hats. I promised my mom if she got me a black hat that it wouldn't be a game and I would seriously daven/pray three times a day and lay tefillin every morning. So far I've kept that promise.


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