Monday, February 20, 2006


Worf's Personal Log - Star Date 0220.06

Okay, I'm a Trekkie teen making aliyah to Israel this summer. I like Star Trek, Star Wars, Halo and anything like it on PS-2, Harry Potter, LOTR, The Patriot, cool cars, anything having to do with space and space exploration, being Jewish, Chabad, prayer, having fun, walking my sister's dog, riding my scooter, hanging out with my friends at school.

I don't like homework. I like school a bit, its just that school is tough for me. It's hard. It doesn't help that I'm ADD and really only see out of one eye--the other just doesn't work. I have a lot of motor weakness on my left hand which makes typing painful. So, not only is it hard to read and write/type because of all this, but the ADD on top of it wears me out. Even when I get my homework done, half the time I lose it or forget it, so I have to do it again. Believe me, if I didn't like doing it the first time, I really hate having to do it a second time.

The good thing is I already sort of know Hebrew. I've been studying modern Hebrew since 3rd grade and that and Jewish studies are my favorite subjects. If I could major in Star Trek, I would.....they don't offer a major in science fiction anywhere in Israel, do they?

I'm worried about aliyah. I do want to go to Israel, but I'm afraid of a change this big. I've lived in the same place all my life. I've always spoken English; I know a lot of people here. I'm worried about making friends in Hebrew because I won't speak it that well or that fast and I don't know if guys will be patient with my trying to talk to them in Hebrew. And I don't know Arabic at all. The real work at first is going to ulpan. I met the head of the ulpan for teens in Baka and I liked the ulpan and I think she liked me. I could talk to her a bit in Hebrew. It will be hard to make friends in high school until I speak better Hebrew. Although there was one guy at the high school I liked who told us he wanted to practice 'talking English' with me if I came there.

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